Take a look at my specifications if you think you might be up to the task: The closest I've come to finding one is through you guys at r/darksouls so I signed up to commission one. I've been scouring the internet for a dark souls themed chess set to no avail. Hey all, hope everyone's families and r1 buttons are keeping well in the worldwide boredom pandemic The level of detail is much more likely to be captured, the black pieces are otherwise all human so I think it's more consistent and everyone else also seems to agree that Solaire os the more cherished character. Message me or reply below with how many sets you/your friends want and the maximum budget you'd consider fair and I'll get this ball well and truly rollingĮDIT 2: I will ask for Solaire rather than Manus. The more people that order one, the cheaper it shall be.

The sculptor, Ashley Guevara on custommadedotcom (A souls player too! Naww), is able to do a 3d print for us. EDIT 1: I've now found a sculptor for this project and they are awaiting the green light, before I give them it I want to know how many people are interested in having a set too.